>>Language Requirement:
English is the official
language; and the paper should
be written and presented only in
▶ The minimum page limit for
full paper is 4 pages including
all figures, tables, and
references. When it exceeds 6
pages, each additional page will
be chargeable. These limits
include all figures, tables, and
▶ The first 6 pages are free,
Extra pages will be charged at
$60 (US dollars) per extra page.
>>Submission Type:
▶ Full
Paper Submission(For Publication &
Full Paper is requested for
publication purpose.
The paper length should start
from 4 full length pages per
paper. When a paper exceeds 6
pages, the extra pages will be
charged. Full Paper submissions
should be strictly edited by
following the conference
template and limited to a
maximum of ten (10) pages, in
the 2-column format, including
the bibliography and any
possible appendices.
All submissions will be
double-blind reviewed by the
Committee on the basis of
Relevance to the Conference,
Originality Appropriateness of
the research/study method,
Innovation, Relevance and
clarity of graphics and tables,
Presentation . The paper content
with quality is the most
important part during the
Abstract (For Presenation Only)
Abstract is for presentation
only purpose.
Abstract submission should be
better within around 300-400
Words and should reflect the
overall content of the paper
including the problem to be
resolved, the method to solve
the problem, results and
conclusions achieved,ect. It's
better without figures and
references, one pdf or word file
with requirement is ok.
>>Submission Methods:
▶ Please follow the conference
proceedings template to format
your paper first.
▶ Please submit your full paper
Easy Chair System (.pdf
only), before you send paper to
the easychair submission system,
you need to register an account.
▶ If you fail to submit paper to
via this online system, you can
contact the conference secretary
Academic integrity is the moral
code or ethical policy of
academia. This includes values
such as avoidance of cheating or
plagiarism; maintenance of
academic standards; honesty and
rigor in research and academic
publishing. Each scholar should
obey the rules. If not, the
committee have the right to
reject the paper directly when
review the papers. Due to the
update of database, but the
publication process is long, if
the press found the review paper
is with plagiarism or content
with high repetition rate, the
press can reject the paper
publication directly. The author
will undertake all the
Transfer for publication:
The exclusive rights that are
granted to authors are to
promote the Progress of Science
and useful Arts. In order to
keep authors' rights for
publication, By submitting the
signed copyright transfer
agreement, the publisher is
permitted to publish (printed
and on-line), advertise and sell
the "ICCMA 2025 Proceedings"
without further authorisation
from the Authors.