Latest News
▶ 10-05-2025, News!
Papers of
ICCMA2025 will be published by IEEE
conference proceedings.
▶ 22-02-2025, News!
ICCMA2022 proceedings have been indexed
by EI Compendex and Scopus.
▶ 19-01-2025, News!
ICCMA2022 proceedings have been included
IEEE Xplore.
▶ 15-12-2022, News!
ICCMA2025 will be sponsored by Campus Grimstad, University of Agder,
▶ 10-11-2022, News!
ICCMA2022 has been successfully held in
Luxembourg onsite.
▶ 28-7-2022, News!
ICCMA2022 will be held in hybrid
▶ 20-5-2022, News!
ICCMA2022's speakers have been confirmed, please
▶ 16-3-2022, News!
ICCMA2021 Proceedings have been indexed
EI Compendex and
Scopus already.
▶ 25-2-2022, News!
Check the committee of ICCMA 2022
▶ 22-12-2021, News!
ICCMA2021 Proceedings have been included
in IEEE Xplore already (CLICK),
around one month after the conference!
▶ 12-10-2021, News!
ICCMA2022 will be held in Luxembourg!
▶ 11-08-2021, News!
The second phase of submission has open!
▶ 08-06-2021, News!
Welcome Prof. Adrian Olaru, University
Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania to
ICCMA2021 to deliver the invited speech!
▶ 05-05-2021, News!
Prof.dr.ir. J.L. (Just) Herder, ASME
fellow,Delft University of Technology,
The Netherlands; Prof. YangQuan Chen,
MESA Lab of University of California,
Merced, USA have confirmed to join in
ICCMA to deliver the speeches!
▶ 05-04-2021, News!
ICCMA2021 has been put on the webpage of the University of Luxembourg and their Faculty.
▶ 20-03-2021, News!
Welcome Prof. Elsayed Morgan, German
University in Cairo, Germany, etc, 40
scholars to join in the conference
technical committee. Check more details
▶ 16-03-2021, News!
Welcome Prof. Jiamei Deng, Leeds Beckett
University, United Kingdom to join in
the conference committee.
▶ 15-03-2021, News!
Welcome Prof. Yasuchika Mori, Tokyo
Metropolitan University, Japan to join
in the conference committee.
▶ 01-03-2021, News!
ICCMA2020 proceedings have been indexed by
EI Compendex and
Scopus already
▶ 12-01-2021, News!
ICCMA2021 will be hosted by University
of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
▶ 30-12-2020, News!
Proceedings of ICCMA2020 has been
included in IEEE Xplore(Click).
▶ 1-11-2020, News!
Please download the program for
ICCMA2020 virtual conference for your
▶ 21-10-2020, News!
14 academic researchers support
ICCMA2020 as technical committee members
including Amru Alqurashi, Nils Bausch,
Addie Irawan, Piyush Joshi, Mengying
Lin, Shady A. Maged, Yuliya
Maslennikova, Saori Morino, Alireza
Rastegarpanah, Guillaume Sandou, Omar
Shehata, Puji Catur Siswipraptini, Zhe
Yan, Haitao Yang.
▶ 21-09-2020, News!
Considering the virtual conference and
authors' requirement, ICCMA will
continue to accept submission till
October 1.
▶ 21-08-2020, News!
ICCMA2020 will be held as a virtual
conference because of the unstable
▶ 05-08-2020, News!
ICCMA2020 has been included in IEEE
Event List already.
▶ 25-07-2020, News!
ICCMA2020 are going virtual.
▶ 28-06-2020, News!
Prof. Adrian Olaru will deliver an
invited speech at ICCMA2020.
▶ 19-06-2020, News!
Prof. YangQuan Chen and Prof. Peter
Plapper are invited to deliver the
keynote speech at ICCMA2020.
▶ 11-06-2020, News!
ICCMA2020 is calling for papers and
reviewers till July 15.
▶ 08-06-2020, News!
Prof. YangQuan Chen from MESA Lab of
University of California, Merced, USA
will deliver a keynote speech at
▶ 03-05-2020, News!
ASME Fellow-Prof. Just Herder is invited
to deliver a keynote talk on ICCMA2020.
▶ 17-04-2020, News!
The submission channel to special issue
in Machines is opened.
▶ 03-04-2020, News!
Prof. Vsevolod V. Koryanov serves as the
conference chair, Dr. Hassan HosseinNia
will be the steering chair and Dr. Rafiq
Ahmad will be the award chair.(Click)
▶ 20-03-2020, News!
The technical-guidance from world Health
Organization(WHO) will be useful for
▶ 10-03-2020, News!
ICCMA2020 will be held in Bauman Moscow
State Technical University,Russia on
November 6-8, 2020.
▶ 12-02-2020, News!
The proceedings of ICCMA2019 has been
included in IEEE Xplore.
▶ 5-12-2019, News!
ICCMA2019 was closed on Nov.8 and it was
really successful. All the photos can be
downloaded online now.
▶ 25-10-2019, News!
The final program is prepared well and
please download to guide your
▶ 12-10-2019, News!
In order to help every author to attend
the conference smoothly, we recommend
some Hotels nearby for your reference.
▶ 25-09-2019, News!
Another 42 scholars joined in the
technical committee and helped with the
paper reviews.
▶ 05-08-2019, News!
Welcome the new members in technical
committee. (Click)
▶ 12-07-2019, News!
The submission deadline is extended to
August 20.
▶ 08-07-2019, News!
Welcome Dr. Siamak Hoseinzadeh joins in
technical committee.
▶ 11-06-2019, News!
Welcome the new members in technical
▶ 16-05-2019, News!
Student paper award ) will be selected
in ICCMA 2019.
▶ 17-04-2019, News!!
ICCMA 2019 has been included in IEEE
Conference List.
▶ 27-03-2019, News!
ICCMA 2018 proceedings indexed by
▶ 04-01-2019, News!
ICCMA 2018 proceedings indexed by Ei