Keynote Speakers
Prof. Hong Wang, Fellows of IEEE,
IET, InstMC, and AAIA
Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, USA
Hong Wang
(Fellows of IEEE, IET, InstMC, and AAIA
received the master’s and Ph.D. degrees
from the Huazhong University of Science
and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 1984
and 1987, respectively. He was a
Research Fellow with Salford University,
Salford, U.K., Brunel University,
Uxbridge, U.K., and Southampton
University, Southampton, U.K., before
joining the University of Manchester
Institute of Science and Technology
(UMIST), Manchester, U.K., in 1992. He
was a Chair Professor in process control
of complex industrial systems with the
University of Manchester, U.K., from
2002 to 2016, where he was the Deputy
Head of the Paper Science Department,
the Director of the UMIST Control
Systems Centre from 2004 to 2007, which
is the birthplace of Modern Control
Theory established in 1966. He was a
University Senate member and a member of
general assembly during his time in
Manchester. From 2016 to 2018, he was
with the Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA, USA, as
a Laboratory Fellow and Chief Scientist,
and was the Co-Leader and the Chief
Scientist for the Control of Complex
Systems Initiative. He joined the Oak
Ridge National Laboratory in January
2019 as a senior distinguished scientist
at corporate fellow grade, US Department
of Energy. He originated the stochastic
distribution control theory to control
the shape of the probability density
functions for generic stochastic systems
in 1996, and his research focuses on
stochastic control, fault diagnosis and
tolerant control, and intelligent
controls with applications to several
engineering practices including
transportation system area, and has
published more than 200 journal papers
and 6 books together with numerous
awards. He is an Associate Editor of
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and
Learning Systems, and was an Associate
Editor of the IEEE Transactions on
Automatic Control, the IEEE Transactions
on Control Systems Technology, and the
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science
and Engineering. He is also a member for
three Technical Committees of
International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC).
Prof. Teresa Zielinska
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Full professor in technical sciences, deputy-director of the Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics of Warsaw University of Technology (WUT). She graduated from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of WUT (M.Sc.), received Ph.D. from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering of WUT and habilitation from the Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She is employed by WUT and is a member of the Committee of Automatic Control and Robotics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, vice-chair of the Polish IEEE Robotics and Automation Section (2016-2019) and Secretary General of International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM) (2011-2019) .
Invited Speakers
Prof. Qinggang Meng, Loughborough University, UK
Qinggang Meng is a Professor in Robotics and AI at the Department of Computer Science, Loughborough University, UK. His research spans both the theoretical aspects of AI and robotics and their practical applications in addressing real-world problems across various domains, including agriculture, driverless vehicles, service robotics, underwater robotics and net zero. He has successfully secured numerous grants for interdisciplinary research through collaborations with a diverse network of academics and industry partners. Additionally, he contributes to the academic community through various roles, including serving as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics and ICRA.
Prof. Benoit Clement, Ensta Bretagne, France
Prof. Benoit Clement is a full professor
at ENSTA Bretagne, France, while also
serving as an Adjunct Professor at
Flinders University. he currently
spearheads the Information Science and
Technology Department at ENSTA Bretagne,
following his tenure as Deputy Head of
the renowned Lab-STICC (CNRS UMR 6285)
and his leadership of the Ocean Sensing
and Mapping Department at ENSTA
Bretagne. Presently situated in
Adelaide, South Australia, Prof. Clement
occupies the role of CNRS Researcher at
CROSSING IRL CNRS 2010, where he engages
in collaborative research endeavors with
CNRS, Naval Group, Flinders University,
University of Adelaide, and University
of South Australia. His expertise and
contributions extend beyond academia by
his membership in IFAC technical
committees on Robust Control and Marine
Systems. Prof. Clement's academic
journey is characterised by a commitment
to excellence and scholarly inquiry. He
earned his Master of Science degrees in
Automatic Control and Signal Processing
from University Paris-Saclay and in
Automatic Control and Systems from
CentraleSupelec in 1998. Subsequently,
he pursued his Ph.D. at CentraleSupelec,
awarded of a Ph.D. degree in Physics
from the University Paris-Saclay in
2001. In 2015, he furthered his academic
credentials with the attainment of the
“Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches”
(HDR) degree in Automatic Control from
the University of Brest. Currently,
Prof. Clement's research endeavors focus
on the integration of artificial
intelligence with traditional approaches
in maritime robotics Guidance,
Navigation, and Control (GNC)
algorithms. This research is supported
by the French Defence Agency, the French
Research Agency (CNRS), and
collaborative efforts with industrial
partners. Prof. Clement's dedication to
advancing knowledge and innovation
underscores his significant
contributions to the field of control
systems and maritime robotics.
Prof. Manuel F. Silva, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
M. F. Silva was born in April 11, 1970. He graduated, received the MSc. and the PhD. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal, in 1993, 1997 and 2005, respectively. Presently he is Coordinator Professor at the Institute of Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Department of Electrical Engineering, and Senior Researcher at the Centre for Robotics in Industry and Intelligent Systems of INESC TEC. He is the author or more than 150 publications in international journals and conferences and has been involved in several R&D projects. He has also been actively involved in the organization of several international conferences, belongs to the CLAWAR Association Management Team and was President of the Portuguese Robotics Society. His research focuses on modelling, simulation, robotics, biological inspired robots, control and education in robotics and control.