Sponsor Registration
Sponsors are welcome. The aim of
ICCMA is to gather students, academics,
industry professionals, and researchers
from around the world and every aspect
of Control, Mechatronics and Automation.
If you are a company or an organization
who want to join in the conference to
share your products or find the
collaborations. ICCMA2025 is offering
the sponsorship opportunities to help
you leverage its participation by
building your organization’s brand with
the world’s leaders in Control,
Mechatronics and Automation.
Each level of sponsorship includes
unique types of recognition as follow;
for more details of sponsorship or other
kind of cooperation, please do not
hesitate to write email to
>> PLATINUM Sponsorship: $5000 <<
Sponsor benefits:
-10 minutes introduction in opening
-Welcome address during cocktail party
and dinner
-Company information, brochures, or
other materials distributed at any
association event
-Two waived conference registration fees
for sponsor’s representatives including
gala dinner
-Sponsor banner at the meeting locations
-Conference awards in the name of the
-Add one page in program book
-Logo on Screen on the event
-Logo on the name tags of all
-Logo on the certificate of all
-Logo on the main page of the sponsored
>> GOLD Sponsorship: $3000 <<
-Sponsor benefits:
-Welcome address during cocktail party
and dinner
-Two waived conference registration fees
for sponsor’s representatives including
gala dinner
-Conference awards in the name of the
-Add one page in program book
-Logo on the main page of the sponsored
>> SILVER Sponsorship: $1000 <<
Sponsor benefits:
-Company information, brochures, or
other materials distributed to attendees
-One waived conference registration fee
for sponsor’s representatives including
gala dinner
-Add one page in program book
-Logo on the main page of the sponsored
>> BRONZE Sponsorship: $500 <<
Sponsor benefits:
-Add one page in program book
-Conference awards in the name of the
-Flyer bag insert
-Logo on the main page of the sponsored
>> Other Sponsorship Types <<
-Best Poster Award: $300
-Best Oral Presentation Award: $300